GTC Values 2024-07-27 06:50:15 UT
Pressure782.3 hPa
Solar Rad33.3 W/m^2
Dew Point1.1 ºC
Acc Rain (24h)0.0 l/m2
Rain False
Outdoor Temp19.9 ºC
Indoor Temp20.5 ºC
Wind Mean2.3 m/s
Wind Peak3.3 m/s
Outdoor Humidity2.8 %
Indoor Humidity7.0 %
Internal PM10 0.0 ug/m3
External PM10 0.4 ug/m3
NOT Rain 0 h False
TNG DIMM 3.2 h 0.4 "
IAC PWV 0.3 h 0.0 mm
TNG Dust 0.2 h 0.5 ug/m3
TNG IUV 0.1 h 0.0

(*) Wind direction (From) is shown with the green arrowhead

(**) By clicking on All Sky image you can download a Timelapse video from a previous or current night

(***) Current telescope pointing is shown with a red segment